Thursday 20 November 2008

Preliminary Task

During the production of our preliminary task we encountered a number of problems such as the editing and linking the different clips together so that they make sense. Also deciding which shots to use for different sections was a difficult dilemma. The main problem while filming was that we were not rehearsed so it was all improvised.
We are happy with the final result as it achieved our goal of the preliminary task of filming a character opening a door, walking across a room and engaging in conversation with another character.
We shot every angle a number of times to get the best possible effect. Our favourite shot was the tracking shot that followed Brecon towards Liam's desk just before the punch. The only problem was the noise caused from the wheels shaking on what we were using to create a tracking feel.
James and Matt did the majority of the camera work while Liam and Brecon did all the performing. Our film would be intended to the 15-25 age group. if we where doing the video again we would shorten the first shot of brecon walking down the corridor because we think it lasts to long and the audience could get bored. Also we would put in another shot showing liam standing up and walking over to brecon because the jump could confuse the audience.

1 comment:

SMC Media Student said...

possibly comment on what works well here - you set up character and storyline clearly and use continuity editing to create a sequence that flows smoothly. Also could add a section summing up what you have learnt about filming and editing from this task. (Mrs D)