Thursday 27 November 2008

Prop List

These are essential requirements for our production.

- A Chair
- Baseball Bat
- Knives
- Plastic Bags
- Cigarettes
- Money
- Fake Blood
- Empty Alcohol Cans/Bottles
- Rope
- Golf Balls
- Mobile Phones
- A Brown Paper Bag
- Toilet Roll

Our Storyboard

Shooting Schedule

1st December - Flashback scenes

5th December - Flashback scenes two

8th December - Cellar Scenes

12th December - Cellar scenes two

15th December - Cellar scenes three

19th December - Graveyard scene

This is our basic filming schedule for our product. We have chosen every monday and friday as the whole group is available.

Thursday 20 November 2008

Preliminary Task

During the production of our preliminary task we encountered a number of problems such as the editing and linking the different clips together so that they make sense. Also deciding which shots to use for different sections was a difficult dilemma. The main problem while filming was that we were not rehearsed so it was all improvised.
We are happy with the final result as it achieved our goal of the preliminary task of filming a character opening a door, walking across a room and engaging in conversation with another character.
We shot every angle a number of times to get the best possible effect. Our favourite shot was the tracking shot that followed Brecon towards Liam's desk just before the punch. The only problem was the noise caused from the wheels shaking on what we were using to create a tracking feel.
James and Matt did the majority of the camera work while Liam and Brecon did all the performing. Our film would be intended to the 15-25 age group. if we where doing the video again we would shorten the first shot of brecon walking down the corridor because we think it lasts to long and the audience could get bored. Also we would put in another shot showing liam standing up and walking over to brecon because the jump could confuse the audience.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Influences on opening sequence

We where influenced by quite a few films such as layer cake, rock an rolla, Kidulthood. we think all these films appeal to the same audience we would, there typical narrative in there opening sequence creates a story then a question this is what we want to do.

This is a big influence on us, we like a lot of the shots used. For example, we think the shot on the escalator, where it's looking between the two characters, it uses  a triangle to draw our attention to the middle man. Also the use of narrative is similar to our initial idea. Another shot relevent to our project is the shot where the audience seems like they are fixed to the end of a gun. Many of these shots are similar to what we had in mind and have also helped us to be more creative. 

Friday 7 November 2008

Influences on opening sequence

For our opening sequence we have been influenced by many films. Some of the films we have looked at are; kidulthood, layercake, rock an rolla. we think these are all good influence because how they all can be related to, they all have good enigmas which makes the viewer to keep watching and its also very entertaining. In our opening sequence we want our enigma to be just as effective so it keeps the viewer wanting to see what happens next.


Recently we have been spending most of our time discussing our ideas for our opening sequence. we have produced a flow chart of contributed ideas which we believe will outline the main events in our sequence.

Our Flowchart:
- Wiggie tied to a chair.
- Brecon and Matt walk into basement and start beating him up.
- Blackout.
- Flashbacks of Wiggie.
- Back to present.
- Flashback of Brecon, Matt ringing Wiggie requesting payment.
- Back to present.
- Flashback of Brecon and Matt chasing Wiggie.
- Back to present.
- Final punch, blackout.
- Wiggie wakes up. No longer tied to chair.
- Brecon and Matt have disappeared.
- Wiggie walks upstairs, Matt and Brecon are there, dead?
- "The Boss" gets a phone call.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

First blog entry - 04/11/2008

Team69 - Liam Davies (bottom right), Brecon Harrison (top left), Matt Holden (top right) and James Hamill.(bottom left)

Our initial ideas consist of a combination of action/drama/thriller. We believe this hybridity will broaden our ideas as we will have more flexibility in our initial idea.

We have begun researching by watching the appropriate opening sequences in our selected genres. We have already scouted some major locations which will play a vital part in our opening sequence.
Some of the locations we have considered:
- Belthorn graveyard, resevoir, fields, garages, house, rec.
- Chippy, Brecon's house, Liam's house, Matt's house, James' house.
- Shear Brow.

We will all be contributing in every aspect of the production i.e. acting, camera work, blogging and taking on individual responsibilities. We will have regular group meetings as we feel this is vital to succeed and achieve our ambitions for our production.

Our basic idea; Ian, a well known drug distributor, picks up his dose of drugs from his boss. He then sets off to meet his desperate clients. When they meet, they put their conspiracy into action and beat and rob him.